A post to capture some of the elements of classroom music with Junior and Senior Infant classes at the Marist Primary School, Crumlin over the first half term.
Entrance Music: Students enter to a selected track and are ecouraged to move to the music To date we have tiptoed to Vivaldi string music, marched to the Toreadors'March by Bizet. This week we calmed things down by swaying and gliding to this lovely movement, The Swan from The Carnival of the Animals .
Rhythm Only: We begin with our speaking voices. Rhymes include the Musical Alphabet Rap, The Steady Beat Rap and some familiar nursery rhymes.
Singing Voices: We have been working on some new and old songs.
Train Songs Engine Engine No 9, Paddy on the Railroad, Toot Toot Choo Choo
Counting Songs Aon Do Muc is Bo; Baby One Two Three, Hot Cross Buns
Animal Songs Old MacDonald Row Your Boat
Action Songs Clap Your Hands Oh Belinda
Telling Stories with sound effects : We had lots of fun working on our Halloween Special -The Hairy Scarey Castle. The story includes a three note riff and we used percssion instruments and voices to make the noises for all the scary things in the castle.
Next week, the story is the Three Little Pigs.
Teacher's Spot: Here is a really easy version of the chord of G
More information here : Lesson Plan
Voiceworks Peter Hunt
Three Singing Pigs Kaye Umansky
AC Black
Sing with Mike Mairead Ni Chonduin